Chicago Vacation Package Is Obama's Rohm Away On Vacation (?) Keeping Obama Mute & All Decisions On Hold?
Is Obama's Rohm away on vacation (?) keeping Obama mute & all decisions on Hold? - chicago vacation package
Note that we have heard from our president elect, is saying something .. Since last Friday .. and their 2-day visit to the White House had no microphones and sound .. and photos of Veterans Day-OPP did not speak, and was in Chicago? This is the main media cufffed, because they understand (as a correspondent for CNN, because the press afraid denied) access can, Sharp in Mexico? ... Kingpin or is it marienette Mr Obama now? Why did not Obama speak for himself? And by the way, why Obama is not currently a senator for the restoration, Pelosi, etc., etc., what is happening here?
Someone else is the willies like that?
I hope you stay where you are.
I do not know why we do not hear from him. But when it comes to decisions that are not what they will do. Bush will address the country in the next 2 months. Perhaps Obama is to respect and try not to dispose of the Republic, he waits his turn ...
He works at his death. There is much to do before he took office. I do not know where you came from, but Obama can and should speak for itself, and he is doing very well.
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