Social Security Office In Palm Beach County What Does It Mean When The Social Security Office Requests Worker's Comp Info, After You've Had A Hearing?

What does it mean when the Social Security Office requests worker's comp info, after you've had a hearing? - social security office in palm beach county

I recently had a hearing on Social Security before the judge. According to my lawyer was right. The remediation of VOCs said there was no work for me, not for my injuries. Now 3 weeks later I received a letter from the SS office to apply for any information about the payments from my model workers. What does this mean or sound like someone who has experienced it?


ssadvice... said...

It seems that his application for disability has been approved by the judge. Now your application is in Baltimore for final processing. You need to know about compensation for your employees, because social security benefits in general, greatly reduced, if you will not receive compensation for workers. Big to be careful. Workers' compensation for the Social Security payroll often wrong and you end up with a large excess of the reimbursement payment.

Greyeagl... said...

What can you try to go on the model of workers who already receive SSI more before the regular start and SS, deduct money from any source, including Workman comp or suspected! It's exactly what I find out what my answer is not cut in stone! Good luck!

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