Treat Dirty Sock Syndrome Is It Hygenic If I Move My Mom's Wet Towel? (same Problem)?

Is it hygenic if I move my mom's wet towel? (same problem)? - treat dirty sock syndrome

My mother is crying because I did not move the wet towel on the bed. She says he treated me as if she had a disease. He continues to speak, as we gather now my dirty socks. She says she is my mother it is WC and shower.


Anonymous said...

Once again enter the earth. This way, you both win

Anonymous said...

LMAO wow! Simply select (germ freak)
shes your mom ..... cry! duende
Manufacture, ill stop them that a baby and pick it up!
Then your mother hug ....... JERK
lol funny though

Anonymous said...

LMAO wow! Simply select (germ freak)
shes your mom ..... cry! duende
Manufacture, ill stop them that a baby and pick it up!
Then your mother hug ....... JERK
lol funny though

Anonymous said...

Sorry bout your towel movement problem :-(

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