Wetting Her Diapers Will Rihanna's Confession About Wetting The Bed Increase Or Decrease Her Popularity?

Will Rihanna's confession about wetting the bed increase or decrease her popularity? - wetting her diapers

Rihanna has admitted in a recent article that still has wet the bed sometimes.Will therefore more or less popular and has no effect?


Mogsy said...

We always hear rumors, celebrity - why should I add or subtract from your talents? World SA sorry if it is judged in this

Head for the hills! said...

OMG WHAT ?!?!?!?
ha ha! this is fun!
I can not believe she was stupid enough to tell a reporter that detail.

Then go to their sex appeal, I mean, who wants to go even a sleeping bag full of piss Rhianna few pages!?

ツJessa said...

I wonder why he had publicly state so, as I personally do not know who and what is not in bed.

hotbod60 said...

ahahahah that made me hate him even more if you saw Chris Brown on Tyra, let him, that he had wet her bed.

Hannah said...

Perhaps a certain effect, but not very pronounced, probably no effect.

TeeTop (luvs Rihanna) said...

They should not influence. Do not touch me at all. I was like "hmm .... whatever".

Chandra said...

The Ouija Board said it was a lie to get publicity!

janice smith said...

Not all people love

Helladank, huh. said...

Tell me about type 1, who believes that bedwetting is sexy

Reece h said...


Alijha said...

Who cares?

pollyfas... said...

No difference

Bite me! said...

Haha! Lol. I like it anyway, so ... I do not know.

Jenn ♥ said...

I think the more popular for people who are still wet the bed


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